A sample blog post

30 songs in 60 days: Soar

I think this is my first proper love song. A happy love song which is definitely a milestone for...

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30 songs in 60 days: I am a Dreamer

In 9th grade a teacher asked the class if we could pick only one, love or money, what would...

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30 songs in 60 days: #6 We gotta crawl to fly

We gotta crawl to fly is a song about rekindling a relationship with a long lost love. It was inspired...

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30 songs in 60 days: #5 Blind Love

Wow I actually finished song #5 which is called Blind Love! I'm pretty proud of myself! I feel like...

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30 songs in 60 days: #4 Child of war

Wow I can't believe I recorded 4 songs in one week. It may sound trivial but it's a huge...

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30 songs in 60 days: #3 Leave

Third song is done! :) This song is very emotional for me. It talks about the events that took...

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30 songs in 60 days: #2 Every morning

I started this journey of writing 30 songs in 60 days only 5 days ago and I'm already behind....

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30 songs in 60 days: #1 Stranger

s What happens when you wake up with someone you've known for years yet you feel like you woke up...

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